Thursday, January 28, 2010

Budgets, budgets and more budgets!

I lost my teaching position this week.

Not sure what I will do now.  I enjoy working at the school I am at, but I gotta be honest, some of the "daily grind" nonsense has been harder on me than the reason that my position got cut for. 
All of our specialists got cut, plus 6 assistants.  Our principal still has to cut 2 regular ed. positions.  Needless to say, he is stressed.  You can see it in his eyes.

Pray for better times.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

527 Week 1

The topic of the week is what makes a teacher leader. My experience tells me that leadership comes from years of grooming a confidence into a person. Some are athletic leaders. Some are arts leaders. Some are fantastic at analyzing data and sharing it with the whole faculty.

I like to run - the longest run I have ever attempted and completed is a 1/2 marathon. I have no coaching, no formal training, other than Runners World articles. I would not do so well leading a track or cross country team. Now, put me on a stage with a bunch of beginning band members, and I 'm fine. They will be, too. Put me in a room with broken computers, both I and the computers will be fine.

My point is this - your best leadership will happen when people are encouraged to showcase their strengths, and bring their best skills to the table. And check egos at the door. Be prepared to recognize and respect the strengths in your colleagues.

Then you will see some great leadership.

Peace, LL

Thursday, January 21, 2010

About me

Hi folks,

Thanks for the opportunity to join you! I have been a student at Stritch for about one year, and have met many amazing people. I am looking forward to the time we spend together.

My background is a musical one. I teach music for MPS, at Burdick School, and have been there for 9 years. I am also a "weekend warrior" musician with a few bands in the swing and jazz style. I also do pit orchestra work for musicals, as I am proficient on saxophones, flute and clarinet. My current highlight will be playing at the Montreux Jazz Festival this summer, in Montreux, Switzerland.