Monday, February 1, 2010

CEDu 527 week 2

Interesting topics this week, communication and interviewing.  Some of the points brought up raised some questions for me.

The text discussed the interviewing process, and how it is usually handled by an administrator.  In our school, there is an interview team.  There is also a process for interviewing, somewhat like the Robert's Rules of Order for managing meetings - not quite on that level, but there is a protocol.  This at least keeps a little bit of a leash on the politics that may occur. 

The next topic I found a little insulting.  The text also discusses questions an administrator may want to ask in an interview.  The text mentions that the administrator may have a different certification background than the person being interviewed, and may not be familiar with the best practices for that content area.  Now, far be it from me to disrespect any teacher or administrator, but the fact of the matter is simple.  For kids to get better at anything, they have to practice.  I don't care if it is basketball or calculus.  This is why we do homework..... practice and rehearse arts..... practice our sports teams.  The method may differ, but the concept is the same. 

UMMMMMMM, if you have an administration unfamiliar with basic practices in any area, it may be time for an administrator with better qualifications.  It would be good for the department head to get this person familiar with the curriculum.  And no, I do not think that this is asking too much.  It is asking an administrator to be aware of what is going on in the multi-million dollar building he/she is being paid to administrate. 

This brings up an excellent example of why administrative visibility is important.  A good general knowledge of building practices will go a long way in leading your team of teachers, and visibility will show an interest.

That's all for now, folks!


1 comment:

  1. Interest that we had the same discussion at lunch. How it is wrong for an administrator to get so out of touch with the reality of what is happening in our classrooms. Interesting new show - boss undercover - our "leaders" need to be in touch with the classroom
