Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I'm attending the Milwaukee Digital Media Conference this week.  Fun!  I get to play with on line toys - quickly becoming a favorite way to spend my time - but more importantly, I get to learn about how to manipulate the toys to help kids.

I have come to the conclusion, despite all of the recruiters I have talked to in the past months, that I really do enjoy working in the schools.  I am looking forward to a new start, and I am interested in using the great tools I have learned about in the last 2 years to really help kids.

Diigo is one of them.  You can bookmark, tag the bookmark, so you are looking a subject, rather that page title, and annotate.  I can see where this could be incredibly useful for kids who need help getting focused and organized.  Place this one in the user folder!

More tomorrow -

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