Monday, July 26, 2010

On-line assessment

MPS is in the process of adopting a new online tool for reporting test scores and student assessment.  The tool is the Network Test Environment Administrative Tool.  It will work in concert with the Northwest Evaluation Association.  The whole package allows the district to collect test data from mandated and benchmark testing, which the students will take on line.
In a staff meeting with the Network administrator, the phone support staff and trainers, many questions were raised about data entry errors and keeping accurate records on students.  Issues questioned included:

  • What is the default ID - student number? last name? 
  • What happens if a student is duplicated in the system?  Accurate information is a necessity.
  • What happens if a student transfers to a different school mid-year?  Can teachers find the student data to keep the records accurate?
  • How do you handle students new to the district mid year?  Do they have to make up the testing the missed?
  • Each test has a window in which the data has to be collected to be considered.  How will this affect the district network?  Will there be specific times for schools to test, for network traffic management?

The phone support people are amazing.  They have great insight into problems that may arise.    I'm sure this is due to the fact that they, as a team, solve many issues and keep the computers and networks running smoothly for all.  It was a productive staff meeting, because they were quiet, listened when they needed to, and asked relevant questions.  If I were to work in a department with phone support people, they would be my best friends! 

NTE and NWEA have very good websites, outlining their product and mission.  You can click on each acronym for further information.

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