Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 1 review

It's Sunday night, and after a brief musical break, to wrap up some loose ends for Rotary International, some thoughts have come to mind.

I am grateful for the people I was able to talk to this week.  All have very specialized jobs.  James Davis equated it to medical training.  Just as the medical profession has specialized areas, a district the size of Milwaukee must also have computer techs that specialized, to keep the work flow manageable.

I am also, believe it or not, grateful for the economic experiences I have faced since late January.  At that time, I learned my position had been excessed, which was a scary view for me.  Things headed south from there, and ultimately I got a letter of lay-off.  Immediately upon my return from overseas, I received news that I had been recalled from layoff.  Quite an emotional roller coaster.

As a manager, this whole experience has really given me a great look at building and managing an effective team.  MPS does have some interesting management principles, and various unions do drive some of the decision making.  I have learned that it is in the interest of all to collaborate and work with all parties involved.  Have a clear vision, and work to keep that clear vision in the forefront. 

I do not yet know what my future holds within MPS - I am thankful for the opportunities, and am looking forward to making my own choices.

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