Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some thoughts on room design

It has been a technology whirlwind in the last several weeks.  One of the topics that I have not pitched my 2 cents in on is the concept of room design.  I have been blessed to work in many different computer labs, all of which had different designs, and presented different challenges in teaching.

The first one I will bring up is my former classroom. Here is a picture I took:

As you can see, it is a long room, with lots of space for each computer.  This concept works well for student comfort.  It does pose some problems for seating charts and student management.  I was always conscious of student needs, and potential problems.  And there was always a change to be made.  The students in the back seem to get further and further away......  I liked the room, but would not design one in this layout, because it is difficult to scan the room easily.

The next pictures are of the professional development labs at the technology center.  These are smaller labs, with about 17 computers per side. 

Notice the room dividers - it is possible to open the room up for a larger professional development group.  Both sides are identically equipped, with projectors, speaker podiums and Dell computers.  I enjoy PD classes in this lab.  The tech center has a few labs set up this way.  You always feel within reach of the instructor, yet you have enough room to get comfortable.  Management is easier, because this layout is more circular than long aisle.

I do not have pictures of my favorite lab, but if I ever get the chance to design a computer lab, I promise to model it after this one.  In the 200 section of Homestead HS in Mequon there is an iMac lab that is the most manageable I have seen.  The computers sit on the perimeter of the room, with an instructor desk in the middle, equipped with a projector, and desktop sound system.  I say desktop sound, but it was a good one, with decent throw.  There was never a problem hearing a video.  I like the room for its immediate manageability.  All the instructor has to do is scan the room to make sure everyone is on task.  The only problem with the room is the computers are very close together. 

3 rooms with the same purpose, but very different designs.  Interesting......

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I'm attending the Milwaukee Digital Media Conference this week.  Fun!  I get to play with on line toys - quickly becoming a favorite way to spend my time - but more importantly, I get to learn about how to manipulate the toys to help kids.

I have come to the conclusion, despite all of the recruiters I have talked to in the past months, that I really do enjoy working in the schools.  I am looking forward to a new start, and I am interested in using the great tools I have learned about in the last 2 years to really help kids.

Diigo is one of them.  You can bookmark, tag the bookmark, so you are looking a subject, rather that page title, and annotate.  I can see where this could be incredibly useful for kids who need help getting focused and organized.  Place this one in the user folder!

More tomorrow -

Monday, July 26, 2010

On-line assessment

MPS is in the process of adopting a new online tool for reporting test scores and student assessment.  The tool is the Network Test Environment Administrative Tool.  It will work in concert with the Northwest Evaluation Association.  The whole package allows the district to collect test data from mandated and benchmark testing, which the students will take on line.
In a staff meeting with the Network administrator, the phone support staff and trainers, many questions were raised about data entry errors and keeping accurate records on students.  Issues questioned included:

  • What is the default ID - student number? last name? 
  • What happens if a student is duplicated in the system?  Accurate information is a necessity.
  • What happens if a student transfers to a different school mid-year?  Can teachers find the student data to keep the records accurate?
  • How do you handle students new to the district mid year?  Do they have to make up the testing the missed?
  • Each test has a window in which the data has to be collected to be considered.  How will this affect the district network?  Will there be specific times for schools to test, for network traffic management?

The phone support people are amazing.  They have great insight into problems that may arise.    I'm sure this is due to the fact that they, as a team, solve many issues and keep the computers and networks running smoothly for all.  It was a productive staff meeting, because they were quiet, listened when they needed to, and asked relevant questions.  If I were to work in a department with phone support people, they would be my best friends! 

NTE and NWEA have very good websites, outlining their product and mission.  You can click on each acronym for further information.

Curriculum planning - Intel in the Classroom

Intel Essentials is a program provided through Intel's partnership with the state of Wisconsin.  It is funded by a formula grant.  Intel provides funding for the training to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.  The Grant Department notifies the technology trainer/grant writer that the funding is available, and the grant is written to the needs of MPS. 

Each participant in this program is given a book from Intel, outlining the following in Module format:

  1. Teaching with Projects - setting up good instruction design
  2. Planning Units using curriculum framing questions
  3. Making Connections  - connecting technology with the curriculum
  4. Creating Samples - how to help students adapt to using technology
  5. Assessing Projects - creating teacher based and student based assessments
  6. Planing for Student Success - reaching all types of learners
  7. Facilitating with Technology - using questions to engage students
  8. Showcasing Portfolios
The teachers who participated in this course completed 32 hours of training and received a projector for classroom use.  This program is open to teachers from schools in the 1:1 laptop program. Click here for more online information.

I found it interesting that the program enrollment was limited to the 1:1 laptop schools.  MPS has full computer labs in every school.  Having read the participant book, it offers a great outline for pulling projects together and teaching how to organize an entire unit.  There is alot to offer teachers and administrators alike, with regard to 21st century learning.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Grant Writing - the MPS way.

MPS has a grants department.  Their job is to monitor grand and funding sources, both competitive and formula.  Due to the size and economics of MPS, the district is automatically entitled to 11% of DPI grant funds.

Our grant department works as advisers to various departments.  When a grant opportunity comes in, the appropriate department is advised.  The grant is evaluated for effectiveness within the scope of the departments goals.  If there is a good fit, then they will write for a program that will benefit the district.

Today I am sitting in on an Intel Essentials class.  This is training offered through grant money, offered to 6th grade teachers who will be in the 1:1 Laptop initiative.  They undergo 32 hours of training, receive a projector, and each one writes a lesson plan at the end of the training.  In the grant proposal for this training, the grant writer,  who is a National Board Certified Elementary teacher, followed the grant requirements, and developed a budget that included salaries, benefits, projector costs,  and other administrative costs.  The grant writer will write the specific parts of the grant, while the Grants Board will fill in the district statistics.

Money from this grant was given to DPI by Intel, as part of a partnership, so this is considered a "formula" grant.  The total grant award was $308,000, a number calculated by the grant writer. It was very interesting that in the grant proposal, salaries and benefits had to be calculated in.  Even more interesting, the grant department fee $15,000 also had to be listed in the budget.  I guess everybody wants a piece of the pie!
Click here for the website for Intel's K-12 Education Initiative. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Help Desk

The Help Desk is the specialized call center for staff, to use for any problems from the Staff Application Portal to eSis password resets.  Should the need arise, any teacher can call 438-3400 and the operator will be able to help you with most computer issues, unless they are hardware related.  Hardware issues get the coveted "heat" ticket (still don't know what that acronym stands for.)

The operators have a diverse background, from education to computer field.  This is a classified job, meaning they are employed by the City of Milwaukee, not the school board. 

Although eSis is the #1 call generator, some of the computer  issues include being dealt with included:

  • A secretary wanting to know how to set up school opening data bases.
  • "Why won't my old version of word open this new version document?"
  • "I forgot my eSis password."
Software used to help solve problems includes Net Meeting and Remote Desktop, so control can be taken of the end user computer if necessary.  The employees in this department also do school opening and end of school year in services for secretaries, so files are saved for the new school year, and other computer generated reports and eSis information is in place for the opening.  Report card training is another responsibility, as MPS moves to an intermediate report card, generated from Gradebook in eSis.

Retro-fitting for computer labs

Today's field trip was to the building formerly known as Sarah Scott Middle School, on 12th and State St.  The is a 20 year old building.  Nice wide halls, open spaces, computer labs, health/science labs, fully ADA compliant.  It will be a great home for the offices and non-student programs that are moving in, as I write this. 
Because this building is being converted from use as a Middle School to use for professional development, some retrofitting of rooms was necessary.  I explored the band room - now a PD computer lab!  Being a former band director, I had to take a big breath on that one.....

It was very easy to see how the room had been retrofit.  There were conduit poles fit around the room, with data and electrical wires  installed, so computers would have the district mandated 2 electric sockets and one data port per computer.   There were 8 drops in the room, with six electric sockets and 3 data ports per drop.  As the move continues, computer carts will organized around the drops.

One thing I did not notice is a drop for a projector - I would have put that in with the retrofit. I also did not notice any type of audio system.

The other concept I somewhat question is the shape of the room.  I do understand that this is something that cannot be fixed, but I question the sight lines of the room, and how comfortable they will be in regards to technology use.  There is a diagonal wall, with a whiteboard - I do not remember seeing a pull down screen. This was where the band directors podium would be.  The other walls have the classic band storage cages installed.  The walls are in the shape of a right triangle, and the drops are in the middle of the room, limiting the space computers could take, when you factor in cable length.  I do not know how many workstations will be set up.

I will take a trip to this facility later this fall, just to see the finished product.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Mac Servers

Today was spent remotely managing Mac Servers.  There was an issue at Golda Meir School - the server got corrupted to the point that it would not reboot, nor would it read the disk utility.  Basically, the server was started up with a different drive, wiped, repaired and re-cloned.  Later this summer, all of the student accounts will be reset, once enrollment is verified.

At this point of the year, the server was wiped clean of all student work.  It was not necessary to save, because the students are not required to keep a formal portfolio.  This whole process took about 5 hours from start to finish.  If this were to happen during the school year,  a reboot from a saved backup would be done and the server would be up in about 10 minutes.

We also reset some other computers, and did some testing and cleaning on the main servers hear at the Tech Center.

Monday, July 19, 2010

An Opportunity?????

In an interesting twist, I found out today that the lady who managed the MPS Moodle retired this past Friday.


TSC funding

The TSC has a large inventory of high priced equipment.  2 pools of money fund the majority of what this center deals with.

Microsoft Settlement Funds will purchase some Smartboards.  This money is disbursed to the schools, based on a formula.  Smartboards are one of many pieces of equipment that qualify for purchase.

Title IID funds cover the cost of professional development.

Teacher salaries and tech salaries are local, board expenses.

Professional Development

Today I am at the TSC, otherwise known as the Technology Support Center.  When I was a first year teacher, we called this the cosmic center.

Working with Mary Zelenka, a teacher-trainer here, revealed alot about how to manage professional development.
The teacher trainers here work on a 12 month teacher contract, with 25 days of vacation every year, used when they wish to use them.  The main part of their job is to work with school Instructional Technology Leaders, and get current training out to the teachers.  There are many areas of professional development.  eSis, Smartboards, the Moodle, 1:1 Laptop Training, Discovery Education and the Virtual Library are the major areas.  Mary's main duties are in the Smartboard area, and she has just returned from a Smartboard training and conference, a showcase for the new projects and tools that will be available to teachers.  While she is very versatile and understand the full presentation power of the Smartboard, she also finds herself listening to many teachers telling her about their limited time.  She even instituted a program in which high school students were trained to use the Smartboard, and then they took those skills back to their school to train the teachers.
Smartboard was chosen as the interactive board for MPS about 15 years ago, because of it's universal access.  It does not require a device, such as a pen or pointer, to manipulate.  She has even seen student with major physical impairments use a foot to manipulate an image on the Smartboard. 

Several schools in MPS offer a 1:1 Laptop initiative at the 6th grade level.  If students wish to take the laptop home during the school year, the parents must undergo a training session. 

Apple Networks

Another information filled day.  This morning was spent working with Brian Wiegand, server administrator for the Macintosh computers in MPS.  A former teacher, he worked in a Mac Lab for many years before landing at the Technology Support Center on Capitol Drive in Milwaukee.

There are 34 Mac servers in Milwaukee.  Sadly, the format is being faded out, and eventually all of MPS will be run on Dells and Windows servers.  Immediate cost is the main reason.  The district can get into a customized Dell for about $700.  A basic iMac runs about $1300.  There are long term cons to this situation.  Experience tells the technicians that Macs last an average of 2 years longer, in the educational system.  The Macs just run smoother, for a longer period of time, for a variety of  technical reasons.  One other interesting note that was made was the simple fact that most universities are moving to a dual boot Mac system.  AND most students entering universities are also going Mac, with the dual boot option.  But MPS is looking at the immediate bottom line.

The Mac servers are used for student accounts and work.  They are backed up once per week. 

The major piece of software we worked in was Workgroup manager.  This is server management software, capable of viewing the entire network of Apple servers.  Work groups, such as teacher, student, admin, and so-forth, can be set up with basic level user preferences in place.  When a user logs in, individual preferences are set in the user directory, and remembered.  This is good for 2 reasons. 
  1. It allows the applications to run off the power of the computer, locally. 
  2. It cuts down on network traffic.  Even though files are saved to a network directory, the main program is running locally.

Some other small management tips:
Whatsize is a program that allows the administrator to see how big folders on the server are, and who owns the folder.  You can check for unnecessary files that may be clogging up the server this way.

Cocktail is a piece of software that will clean out the cache at a set time every day.  The administrator sets the run time.  The cache and other temporary files are cleared out, keeping the computer running cleaner.

You can purchase print server software inexpensively that will clear the print que every night, to keep the que cleaned up and uncluttered.

Passenger is software that allows you to import users from a simple .txt file.  After you import a list from a work group, you create the fields, and passenger will create a clean list which will allow you to import into work group manager, and set specific passwords.  This is very useful for setting some security on "generic login" accounts, when you are using multimedia authoring software at the local level.

He monitors network activity closely, and has many policies in place to keep the network running smoothly, or at least fix-able quickly as the need occurs.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 1 review

It's Sunday night, and after a brief musical break, to wrap up some loose ends for Rotary International, some thoughts have come to mind.

I am grateful for the people I was able to talk to this week.  All have very specialized jobs.  James Davis equated it to medical training.  Just as the medical profession has specialized areas, a district the size of Milwaukee must also have computer techs that specialized, to keep the work flow manageable.

I am also, believe it or not, grateful for the economic experiences I have faced since late January.  At that time, I learned my position had been excessed, which was a scary view for me.  Things headed south from there, and ultimately I got a letter of lay-off.  Immediately upon my return from overseas, I received news that I had been recalled from layoff.  Quite an emotional roller coaster.

As a manager, this whole experience has really given me a great look at building and managing an effective team.  MPS does have some interesting management principles, and various unions do drive some of the decision making.  I have learned that it is in the interest of all to collaborate and work with all parties involved.  Have a clear vision, and work to keep that clear vision in the forefront. 

I do not yet know what my future holds within MPS - I am thankful for the opportunities, and am looking forward to making my own choices.

Friday, July 16, 2010

MPS Analyst/Programmers

Some interesting interviews.  I talked with several people in the application development area this morning - everything from financial software to gradebook/report cards and the website.  Here are the findings:

  • MPS uses formatted software - everything comes ready to use.  Although some reports can be customized and added to the apps page, most are used as purchased.  The major development issues are handled through the use of a consultant developer.
  • Our programmer/analysts handle making sure updates are working, and make sure that updates do not negate some other piece of software.  All work with the software vendors.
  • Our programmers do not have access to the software code.
  • Our webmasters manage the website by WYSIWYG editing.  They have knowledge of code, but the website is pre-delivered, with a specific format - they will not mess with that.
  • All said that the challenge in their jobs was the multiple projects they may be working on at any given time.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

HEAT Tickets

I do not know what HEAT is an acronym for.....  I know that it is a form, and if you fill one out, you get lots of attention, fast!

HEAT tickets are a service request form.  Anything technical that requires attention gets the HEAT ticket.
This includes:
  1. Tech Center support requests (such as password resets - no HEAT ticket, no reset!)
  2. Mac/PC and printer repair requests
  3. Obsolete Equipment removal
  4. Telephone and voicemail changes.
  5. Repair of telephone lines
  6. AT&T T1 line
  7. ADT Security system issues
  8. We Energies Gas meter modem lines.
When Tech services receives the HEAT ticket, it is given to the appropriate person, and the problem is usually solved quickly.  Computer repairs are relatively fast, as the vendor can produce.

MPS Security

So, I'm in the basement tech. room, sitting at a generic cubicle, on a basic Dell, with a network switch sitting right next to me.  One would think this would be wired neatly.......

Anyway, it turns out my cubicle partner is a longtime music friend of my family.  Long story short,  my husband student taught under the supervision of her father.  As the music community is rather small anyway, this was a nice reunion for me.  I do not feel quite so lost in the large department of programmers and analysts I find myself working with!

We did take some time over lunch to discuss how network passwords and security are set, and this is her primary function for the tech. department.  The first rule is, do not give out your name or phone number.  In reality, this is easy enough for anyone to find, but generally, if someone wants that info, make them work for it.

After that, some basic protocols have to be followed for one to get access to some of the more sensitive parts of data in the MPS pool.  An application, printable from the portal, must be filled out, and signed by a supervisor.  Additionally, there are only a certain number of people from each school who will have more access to the sensitive data.  For example -  I am a teacher.  I have access to data on any student I teach.  I have access to Burdick School Data on the DataWarehouse.  My principal has eSis access to every student in the school.  He also has access to district wide DataWarehouse information.  Guidance counselors and those trained to enroll/remove students from eSis also have greater access that me, your basic teacher.

Double checking the security levels and signatures on requests is a very important part of her job.  A change in security level is done only with the appropriate signature on the correct form.

Day 4 July 14th

Another information filled day today.  I started out with a meeting with Jerry Schultz, Manager of Application Development.  We discussed several aspects of software management for school districts, and several important things to consider.

The size of the district.  MPS used eSis for student and classroom management.  This program was chosen for it's accessibility to large numbers of students.   I asked him to compare the program to Powerschool or Skyward, he explained some programs are written and marketed to large districts, others are better for medium to small districts.  Skyward was another program he mentioned.  Great for a smaller district, and he mentioned the fact that some financial issues can be managed through Skyward as well.  eSis was praised for it's connectivity for students and parents.

The MPS DataWarehouse was the next software we discussed.  MPS has used it for about 3 years.  It is written by a Versa-fit, an Appleton, WI based company.  The end-users (teachers) are the ones who enter data; the program has been customized to fit the needs of MPS Administration and Teachers.  Because special ed has more legal requirements, there are other pieces of software that apply to that area.  SSIMS, otherwise known as Encore, give full support to IEP's and other documentation needs for special education students.  PeopleSoft is the Human Relations software, supporting pay, benefits, recruiting, performance evaluations and tracking professional development.  iFas is used for the business financial functions of the district, such as accounts payable, budgets and money owed to MPS.  The list of software went on for pages, and included everything from enrollment to the recreation department, daily business and accountability to state reporting.

Keeping in mind, on the education side of the software, all of that data entered by the teachers goes to the DataWarehouse server, where the databases are updated every 15 minutes.  Just writing about this is getting my mind spinning.

We spent some time discussing the cost - how does MPS pay for all of this software, and keep it updated?  Most is purchased software, with yearly service agreements set up for support and maintenance.  Jerry did note that over time, trends in educational management software have changed.  In the "old days" schools simply leased the software, and payed a yearly fee for support and maintenance.  Then the trend turned to purchased software, with yearly maintenance fees.  In his case, the maintenance fee was 20% to 30% of the purchase price, yearly.  Currently, MPS purchases software, and there are levels of support and maintenance available for purchase.  Leases are also coming back into popularity.

I asked what the future of school management software is, Jerry felt that it is in cloud computing, where the school leases, but the vendor hosts the software.  I did ask about privacy issues in the case of certain types of software, he felt that this is an area yet to be addressed.

Tomorrow.... a day as a programmer/analyst.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Networks, Proxies and Back up

What a day today!   I rolled into the office at 8:45, and after a short meeting with my supervising manager, got to talk with Steve Hecker.  Steve is a contractor with MPS, directly responsible for network design and management.  After discussion of how the big picture is set up, from the end user back to Central Services and/or Capitol Drive, we took a short field trip to see how the voicemail and data servers are set up.  WHAT AN OPERATION!  Cables and servers are all labeled, all neat and clean, regularly cleaned and maintained.  I was amazed at the level of organization for the cabling.  Even the electric panels were color coded, so you know exactly what circuit and board each outlet is on!  With some research, one could easily find a beginning and an end to each cable.

The afternoon was spent with Quinn Hammes, who is part of the Internet proxy team and backup team.  MPS has several databases that need regular maintenance and backup.  He did note that there are several Database Analysts employed, but the data entry is done by the teachers.  With this, we dove into the different servers, and saw the backup schedules.  There are many redundant features about these servers, for several reasons.
  1. If one crashes,the whole system does not go down.
  2. Traffic is kept even.  Especially in high use times, like report card time.
  3. Maintenance is easier.
  4. Data Backup is easier.
He also explained how the round robin servers work, logging a person on to the opposing server every time they use the application.  Now I understand how and why network traffic routing is so important!

Lay-off in reverse!

I was one of the 89 teacher re-called!  :-)


I had a huge awakening on just how important e-rate is for the Milwaukee Public Schools.  One of the first financial topics talked about was the importance of e-rate in the MPS technology budget.

E-rate, as a refresher, is a federally funded program to make connectivity more affordable.  School districts, libraries and  health care are all eligible to apply for e-rate funds.  E-rate funds are drawn from the Universal Connectivity Fee paid on residential and commercial phone, Internet and cell phone services every month.  The percentage of money received in e-rate is directly correlated to the economic status of the public you serve.  MPS, for example gets an 80% discount on connectivity fees.  In the tech. budget picture, this equates to abut $7.5 million. 

There are several rules that applicants must follow:
  • There is a strict paperwork timeline that must be adhered to.
  • Some budgetary money must be spent in the areas that will also receive e-rate funds.
  • Equipment can be purchased using e-rate dollars, but the list is specific, and there are time constraints on   that as well.
Click here for a great website on how to apply for e-rate funds, and how to use the money.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Practicum Day 1

July 12th -

The day started out in the main tech. offices, meeting James Davis, Bob Surito and Barbara Nyklewicz.  Central office is kind of a scary place for me, cold and generally unfriendly.  Jim Davis was great!  He is interested in getting me to learn the ins and outs of technology. 

My arrival took Bob Surita by suprise, as he has no idea of what to do with me.  It is kind of a shame, because I think I missed out on some great meetings and learning how to manage people.  The tech department is in the process of hiring the outsourcing people for computer maintenance and repair.  I can certainly understand how my presence my be unusual in an interview meeting.  But it would have been great to listen in on.

Instead, I found myself sitting in a cubicle, getting cozy with the newest version of the Tech. Strategic plan.  The last time I read one I was brand new in this program, and working on my School business class.  I can tell you the experiences and classes I have had in the last 18 months made dealing with this monster of a document much easier....  I was also amazed at how many of the chart looked familiar from many textbooks, especially the charts that represent progression and implementation of programs.

Tomorrow is another day... the little cubicle will last for about 10 minutes.  Then "Charming Lynn" will go out, meet the networking guys and talk to them about what they do, how they manage the network, what is expected of them, and the trouble they may run into.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reflection on the last 18 months

Wow, I am almost through this program.  It has been great, and I have learned alot, about computers, myself, schools and how they are managed.
I am surprised at some things.  I am the only person in the MSIT program.  After I graduate, hopefully in December, the program will be temporarily shut down, due to enrollment issues.  I have enjoyed this program, and would not have done this differently.  I have learned how to manage, been given leadership tips, worked with current law and finance issues.

While all districts are surviving budget issues, Milwaukee has been ruthless about theirs.  482 teachers became collateral damage this week, me being one of them.  We have suceeded in role modeling the exact opposite of what we teach:  We teach our children to work hard, do the right thing and be accountable.  We teach that it is honorable to have a job.  Then this hits the press, leaving many people collecting $363 dollars a week for not working.  Adding insult to injury, many of the teachers laid off were successful, bringing achievement up.   It is both sad and pathetic.
I am sad that this came just as I work to finish my degree.  I have 6 credits left....

At any rate, my practicum is coming up, at MPS Central Services.  Which will be interesting.   I am looking forward to seeing how the network is set up, how the communications work, and how the grants and paperwork are put together.  I am going to stay there as long as they will let me.

Then my programming classes.  I am not sure how CSU will handle that aspect yet.

Good luck to all, keep on keepin' on!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Computer security/disaster recovery

An interesting area.  As I prepare to learn how to work with large computer networks, it is important to have a clear understanding of security.  Compromising many pieces of information could be a problem......

I was blessed to be re-introduced to a childhood friend.  I grew up with his kids, and now his grandkids go to the school I taught at for 10 years.  When I was about 8 years old, he hosted a birthday party.  I did attend, and one of the activities was "bobbing for apples" in the kitchen sink.   Me, being the graceful person I am, proceeded to hit my head on the sink, and bled all over everything!

It was nice to talk to him, he has become very well versed in computers and security, as he works for GE healthcare.  He gave me several pieces of information that you can subscribe to for updates on security and other computer logistics. It was great to talk to him.

The site, full of information, can be found here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Perfect Computer

 Well, what did I learn from this assignment?  I learned that I do not feel comfortable building a computer from scratch.  I did enjoy researching several components, like the processors and graphics cards.  Although I know of the necessity of how these components should function, I was able to learn more from having to explain myself.  I did not fully understand the functioning of the graphics card, now I have a clearer understanding.  I was also surprised to learn that just because a computer has multiple cores in the processor for speed, this does not mean the software is written to use that power.

Great assignment..... but I will still buy a souped up Mac for music studio needs!



Monday, May 24, 2010

OS Activities

Pirates of Silicon Valley – an interesting movie, really shed light on how the computer developed  through the 80’s and 90’s.  The title of the movie obviously came from the quote “Good artists borrow, great artisit steal.”
There were several portions of the movie that I found interesting:
         1. Steve Jobs was not portrayed in the kindest light.  I do not know how true this story was, but I am pretty convinced that working for Steve Jobs was a brutal experience. Bill Gates had the aggressive side, but it was not shown in the context that Jobs was. 
          2. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were both very dedicated to their world, but in very different ways.  Steve had the artistic, life altering attitude, Bill was more business.  Both were very passionate.
         3. It is significant that both found quieter lives by their mid thirties, as commented on in the end.  The intensity of building the empires they did taught them about quality of life and relationships.
         4. Both left high quality universities.…….. no further comment.
In the end, the message was pretty simple – there are many roads to success.  Jobs and Apple took the innovative, life changing road.  Gates and Microsoft took the “you need us” approach with the large computer manufacturers.  Both were very business savvy in terms of licensing and royalty rights.  As they aged, their lives slowed down, and became more relationship oriented.  Maybe because they built their business so young, they could slow down in their 30’s.  One thing is for certain, they changed the world, communication and how day-to-day life is managed.

Linux OS
This is a platform that I have not worked in .  It is an OS that has gained popularity over the last few years.  It was originally developed in the 1970’s as a research operating system for university.  Sun had the original OS – “Unix”.  HP,  IBM and other had different versions.   The different versions caused marketing problems, and sales never reached the success of Windows or Apple.

Eventually, another version of  UNIX- called Linux - was made available for free.  Generally, people who use this platform:
  • already know UNIX and want to run it on PC-type hardware
  • want to experiment with operating system principles
  • need or want a great deal of control over their operating system
  • have personal problems with Microsoft
Linux is harder to manage, but offers great flexibility in configuration options.  Because it is so customizable, it is preferred by researchers.

Linux conforms to the Portable Operating System Interface.  Developers can write programs that can be ported to other operating systems. Linux comes in versions for all the major microprocessor platforms.
UNIX is copyrighted name; only big companies are allowed to use the UNIX copyright and name, so IBM AIX and Sun Solaris and HP-UX all are UNIX operating systems. The Open Group holds the UNIX trademark in trust for the industry. 
Linux is a Unix clone written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards Portable Operating System Interface compliance. "Open Group" does not approve of the construction of a "Unix-like" operating system, and consider it misuse of their UNIX trademark.

5 new things on the Mac
My disclaimer – some of the tips mentioned here I like to use, but do not have a reason to do so all of the time, and I forget.  Others I experimented with, and just did not find the tip valuable for how I choose to manage my computer.

1. Screen Shots
A useful feature as I progress through this Masters Program,; I find myself forgetting the commad it I take a week or two away from it-
You can take a screen shot of your entire screen by holding down the Command and Shift keys and pressing a 3.
If you hold down the Command and Shift keys and press 4, Mac OS X turns the cursor into crosshairs you can use to select whatever portion of your display you’d like to capture in a screen shot.
If you immediately hit the Spacebar after typing Command-Shift-4, Mac OS X replaces those crosshairs with a little a camera. Using the camera, you can take a screen shot of the Dock, the entire menu bar, a single open menu, the desktop, or any open window.
Your screenshot will appear directly on the desktop of your computer.

2. Exposé

Expose allows you to see what is on the desktop when you have a lot of  windows open.
Press the F9 key and Exposé instantly creates thumbnails of the open windows and displays them neatly on your screen. Click the window you want, and Exposé brings it to the front, switching automatically to the appropriate application.
You can press the F10 key to create thumbnails of the open windows of your current application. Or F11 to move all open windows to the side, so you can see the files on your desktop.

3. .txt files
Ablility to open html files by holding them over the texe editor icon.  The HTML document will then open as a text, for editing.  Very useful when working in html code.

4. Further explanation of how the sidebar works, and helps you keep files organized, or find lost files.

                        All of the categories listed allow you to easily find files by the date you worked on them, or by file type.   This is not how I choose to manage my computer, but my students have benefited greatly fromm knowing how to navigate this window.  I did use this window to find – you guessed it – the notes for this journal entry.

5. Exchange Support
 This is a great way to make it easier to check exchange account mail, like the accounts we have at our schools.  Instead of using Outlook to access Exchange services such as email, calendar invitations, and Global Address Lists, you can set up Mail, iCal, and Address book to sync up with your school account.  Your information will be  easity accessible from the dock.  Because they’re on the Mac, you can continue taking advantage of all the powerful Mac features you love.  Your Exchange-based work life right alongside your personal mail, calendars, and contacts.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CED 581 Week 1

 I am looking forward to the content covered in this class.  While I have found my education at Stritch to be useful, I am looking forward to getting into the specifics of why I chose the area of study that I did.  I have a comfortable level of the insides of computers, and have swapped out a variety of components in my 10-year-tenure at Burdick.  I am more comfortable with Mac products, so I welcome the exposure and experience of the Windows platform, and other computer brands.

The most informative material this week was the study of the history.  Coming from a  very conservative family, it amazes me  that my older relatives talk about the "good old days" - the days that actually started the tech boom and advancement.  I like watching the progress,  but I have great respect for where everything came from.

I do not really have any questions.  Sometimes listening to the experts discuss which product is superior gets a little annoying...  but everything has it's experts, so I'll just chalk it up to life.  My experience tells me that the superior product is the one you will enjoy the most, and use to its full capacity.

Monday, February 22, 2010

CEDu 527 Week 5

How to lead change.  Lots of great ideas were brought up in this weeks activities.  I can really see how certain programs worked out, and - more importantly - why others did not.

I have learned to take time, research your project, and talk to lots of people.  Get feedback, research problems and solutions, and then talk to people some more.  To be confident in leading, you have to have a grasp on every scenario imaginable of anything that may go wrong.  It isn't that you don't believe in what your ideas are, but you will encounter every conceivable question and situation.  How one handles this will show true colors.

This was a very enlightening week for me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

CEDu 527 Week 4 - Top 10 lessons on school climate

Now that I am an '"excessed" teacher, I can only reflect on these topics, how I have handled them in the past, and how I need to use this knowledge to look forward.  My principal has said over and over how he wants everybody back.  He has done some gambling with school funds to keep specialists in place at least in .5 FTE positions.  It is still very nerve-racking for all, as nothing will be finalized until the third Friday of the school year.  While I understand his thinking and his strategy, it is still demoralizing that I am the one specialist excessed in the end.  It leaves a door open for me, albeit a scary one.  Few things in life have rattled me like this one has.

So from a fresh perspective, here are my lessons learned on school climate and morale:

10. School climate is a major factor in the success of all - teachers, students, support staff, and administration.  That being said, in the future I will remember that actions speak louder than words.   How one interacts with others will go much further than the 2 second compliment that is too soon forgotten.

9. Hidden agendas are a dangerous thing... try to avoid them.   Looking back on my 10 year career at Burdick, I can see all of the agendas.  Anyone playing politics among the staff is not in the profession for the true reasons.  It is too bad that hind-sight is 20/20, but fore-sight is not.

8. Working hard and being accountable will not guarantee anything.  Sometimes you have to play politics, too, no matter how many times you are told your skills are valuable to the school.

7. Always have a great friends and goals to keep spirits up - a job is not the only thing in the world. This may, at times, be your only source of positive support.

6. Exercise and eat the right foods - this adds to the positive support.

5. Laugh with your students, they will give you their trust.

4. Have high standards for your students, they will respect you.  Know that it may take a while for them to realize this.

3. Do all of your copy work after the office closes - you will avoid lots of negative energy.

2. Take a fun field trip once a year.

And the #1 thing I learned about school climate:

As your students graduate and go on to bigger and better projects, the new ones bring new perspectives.

Monday, February 8, 2010

CEDu 527 week 3

Many interesting topics this week.  I find the generational differences discussed in this weeks reading interesting and amusing. 

Recently, I have become a new member of the "sandwich" generation - those who are raising a family and caring for aging parents.  My mother-in -law is 80 years old, and recently widowed.  Now, overall, she is pretty good.  It is not really safe for her to shovel snow, or anything like that, but she can get around the house, stores and take care of more than the basics.  Her eyes and ears work well, as does her mind.

Where is gets amusing is watching her take on the world, with digital this and that, and watching the kids take on the world - totally different.  Then my husband (a baby-boomer, 15 years older than I) gets in the mix.  He is very competent with all of the digital this and that, but sees it as a frill, where our kids see it as necessary life.

I always thought the "Greatest Generation" - those born during the depression and came of age during WWII-saw  a remarkable amount of change during their life time, more than any other generation would.  Now I second guess that, as you look at the changes that happen within short time spans.

Well, I'm going to stay in touch, and roll with the change.  And enjoy the ride along the way!!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Burdick on Fox 6

Click here for Channel 6 coverage of Burdick and the new MPS budget mess.
The latest news is the gross amount of money being withheld from MPS - somewhere in the ballpark of $175,000,000.  Now, I am all for accountability.  I drive some in my building nuts with this!  However, the amount of staff being cut is going to place an undue strain on those who are left, and there will be a dip in performance.  With the amount of job cuts our school took, I do not even see how they are going to have the teacher work day structured within the constraints of the MTEA contract.

Take some time to read the responses to the segment - very......interesting...disturbing.....enlightening....

Here's to better tomorrows!


Monday, February 1, 2010

CEDu 527 week 2

Interesting topics this week, communication and interviewing.  Some of the points brought up raised some questions for me.

The text discussed the interviewing process, and how it is usually handled by an administrator.  In our school, there is an interview team.  There is also a process for interviewing, somewhat like the Robert's Rules of Order for managing meetings - not quite on that level, but there is a protocol.  This at least keeps a little bit of a leash on the politics that may occur. 

The next topic I found a little insulting.  The text also discusses questions an administrator may want to ask in an interview.  The text mentions that the administrator may have a different certification background than the person being interviewed, and may not be familiar with the best practices for that content area.  Now, far be it from me to disrespect any teacher or administrator, but the fact of the matter is simple.  For kids to get better at anything, they have to practice.  I don't care if it is basketball or calculus.  This is why we do homework..... practice and rehearse arts..... practice our sports teams.  The method may differ, but the concept is the same. 

UMMMMMMM, if you have an administration unfamiliar with basic practices in any area, it may be time for an administrator with better qualifications.  It would be good for the department head to get this person familiar with the curriculum.  And no, I do not think that this is asking too much.  It is asking an administrator to be aware of what is going on in the multi-million dollar building he/she is being paid to administrate. 

This brings up an excellent example of why administrative visibility is important.  A good general knowledge of building practices will go a long way in leading your team of teachers, and visibility will show an interest.

That's all for now, folks!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Budgets, budgets and more budgets!

I lost my teaching position this week.

Not sure what I will do now.  I enjoy working at the school I am at, but I gotta be honest, some of the "daily grind" nonsense has been harder on me than the reason that my position got cut for. 
All of our specialists got cut, plus 6 assistants.  Our principal still has to cut 2 regular ed. positions.  Needless to say, he is stressed.  You can see it in his eyes.

Pray for better times.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

527 Week 1

The topic of the week is what makes a teacher leader. My experience tells me that leadership comes from years of grooming a confidence into a person. Some are athletic leaders. Some are arts leaders. Some are fantastic at analyzing data and sharing it with the whole faculty.

I like to run - the longest run I have ever attempted and completed is a 1/2 marathon. I have no coaching, no formal training, other than Runners World articles. I would not do so well leading a track or cross country team. Now, put me on a stage with a bunch of beginning band members, and I 'm fine. They will be, too. Put me in a room with broken computers, both I and the computers will be fine.

My point is this - your best leadership will happen when people are encouraged to showcase their strengths, and bring their best skills to the table. And check egos at the door. Be prepared to recognize and respect the strengths in your colleagues.

Then you will see some great leadership.

Peace, LL

Thursday, January 21, 2010

About me

Hi folks,

Thanks for the opportunity to join you! I have been a student at Stritch for about one year, and have met many amazing people. I am looking forward to the time we spend together.

My background is a musical one. I teach music for MPS, at Burdick School, and have been there for 9 years. I am also a "weekend warrior" musician with a few bands in the swing and jazz style. I also do pit orchestra work for musicals, as I am proficient on saxophones, flute and clarinet. My current highlight will be playing at the Montreux Jazz Festival this summer, in Montreux, Switzerland.